Have you ever thought, “I’d like to know more about the gears our company buys or specifies. It might help me or one of our engineers or quality folks do our jobs better.”
A good place to start learning about gears is a visit to Gear Motions website and Gearing News Blog, which provide a wealth of information on precision gear manufacturing.
You can also schedule a visit to one of the three Gear Motions manufacturing locations. We are always happy to host visitors. You can see spur and helical gear manufacturing operations in person and ask all about our manufacturing processes. You can even see our specialty in action; precision gear grinding.
In addition to visiting a gear manufacturing facility, there are also hands on training seminars offered by the American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), or one of the Gear Machinery manufacturers. The courses are primarily for machine operators, but nearly anyone can benefit. Past students have included executives, sales representatives and quality control managers.
Another option for learning about gears is the school known formally as the Fundamentals of Parallel Axis Gear Manufacturing seminar. Over 1,000 people have gained knowledge on the gear manufacturing industry by attending this three-day seminar. Attendees learn several topics, such as Gear Nomenclature, Hobbing and Shaping Processes, Gear Inspection, Cutting Tool Materials, and AGMA Standards, just to name a few.
Are you looking for some help finding a gearing solution for a specific application? Contact Gear Motions! We have a knowledgeable and experienced team of professionals ready to help with your gear manufacturing and design projects.