Milling and Drilling

Milling and drilling operations are performed on milling machines, and are used to shape metal and other solid materials. Gear Motions is capable of processing a variety of milling and drilling projects as part of our precision gear manufacturing services. We are committed to bringing our customers the most up to date technology, and have invested in top notch computer numerical control machining centers. You can feel confident in turning to Gear Motions for quality milling and drilling to precise geometries. Contact us for a quote.

Milling and Drilling Machinery

  • Haas VF-2
  • Fanuc RoboDrill D14MiA5
  • Mazak Nexus 510C-II Vertical Milling Machine with Live Tooling
  • CNC Republic Lagun VMC with Tool Changer
  • Milltronics RH33
  • Bridgeport Mill
  • Cincinnati Radial Arm

Milling and Drilling at Gear Motions